Research Topics

Research and development of analytical instrument:
 1. Development of mass spectrometor and new technique of signal detection
 2. Study of ion source and interfacing technology
 3. Other analytical instruments combined with MS methods
Applications of analytical instruments: Research of analytical chemistry focusing on MS in various fields including biology, medicine, environment, metallurgy, mineral and security inspection.

Development and construction of mass spectrometry

First reflection TOF-MS in China, Instantaneous short pulse glow discharge TOF-MS, Matrix-assisted laser desorption TOF-MS, High-precision cavity-type thermal ionization MS, Grimm glow discharge quadrupole MS, High resolution cold focused laser TOF-MS, High power density laser ionization TOF-MS, Tunnel current tip near-field enhanced ionization TOF-MS, Atomic force near-field ionization TOF-MS, Microlens fiber laser desorption TOF-MS.

Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Inorganic Samples

MS methods based on laser ion source show superiority in analysis of chinaware, soil, mineral and metal fim. Gas assistance plays an important role in laser ion source.

Biomass Spectrometry

Diversified soft-ionization methods are utilized to acquire the signal of biomolecules in mass spectrometry, a Q-TOF and MALDI-MS plays a crucial part in bioanalysis.

Mass Spectrometry Imaging

Our group is also dedicated to explore the frontier of mass spectrometry. In brief, we attempt to obtain a true label-free molecular imaging of samples, such as 3D imaging of single cells and biological tissues.

Our Features

In order to solve the bottleneck problems such as spatial resolution faced by laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry single-cell imaging technology, our group has successively developed three new technologies and achieved a series of innovative results.


Our group presents the development of tip-enhanced ablation and ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TEAI-TOFMS), using a shell-isolated apertureless silver tip. The TEAI-TOFMS results indicate the capability and reproducibility of the system for generating nanosized craters and for acquiring the corresponding mass spectral signals. Multi-elemental analysis of nine inorganic salt residues and MSI of a potassium salt residue pattern at a 50-nm lateral resolution were achieved. These results demonstrate the opportunity for the distribution of chemical compositions at the nanoscale to be visualized.



Herein, the development of near-field desorption mass spectrometry for correlated chemical and topographical imaging is reported, thereby bridging the gap between laser-based mass spectrometry (MS) methods and multimodal single-cell imaging. Using this integrated platform, an imaging resolution of 250 nm and 3D topographically reconstructed chemical single-cell imaging were achieved. This technique offers more in-depth cellular information than micrometer-range laser-based MS imaging methods. Considering the simplicity and compact size of the near-field device, this technique can be introduced to MALDI-MS, expanding the multimodal abilities of MS at nanoscale resolutions.



We develop a simple, reliable, and economic nanoscale MSI approach by introducing desorption laser with a micro-lensed fiber. Using this integrated platform, we achieved 300 nm resolution MSI and successfully visualized the distribution of various small-molecule drugs in subcellular locations. Exhaustive dynamic processes of anticancer drugs, including releasing from nanoparticle carriers entering nucleus of cells, can be readily acquired on an organelle scale. Considering the simplicity and universality of this nanoscale desorption device, it could be easily adapted to most of laser-based mass spectrometry applications.

Our Funding





Our Team

Our team consists of one academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, one Special Term Professor and almost twenty graduate students (including PhD candidates and master candidates).

You are welcome to contact us by e-mail if you show great interest in mass spectrometry or are attracted to join us (a few basic requirements are supposed to be achieved). We are willing to discuss scientific issues with you.